Zift Organisation was established in 2009 under the leadershipof two lawyers. Zift Organization has supported institutions, organizations and individuals interested in youth projects byproviding training on project writing, project implementationprocess and reporting phases of youth projects. Zift Organization supported these communities interested in youthprojects by providing training on project writing. Currently, we have 275 active and approximately 500 passive membersin 7 different cities and universities. Our organization thatguides the communities studying with us, supported itscommunities regarding Erasmus Plus projects abouteducation, health, human rights, women's and children's rights, refugee rights, and also animal rights.
Our organization that guides the communities studying withus, supported its communities regarding Erasmus Plus projectsabout education, health, human rights, women's and children'srights, refugee rights, culture and arts, environment, societyand entrepreneurship, youth camps, personal developmenttraining and social awareness seminars.
Our organization aims to create the formation of a society thatadopts lifelong learning and self-renewal as a principle, sensitive to culture and art, benefactor, respecting humanrights and combining theory and practice, and our group aimsto serve the information society equipped with these qualities.
Our organization; is loyal to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'sprinciples and reforms, works according to founding purposesof the Republic of Turkey, secular, democratic, andproductive. However, our organization continues its activitiesin order to contribute to the formation of a society awarenessthat is sensitive to the problems of our country and the worldand produces solutions for these problems.
Basic Values of Group;
• Continuous improvement,
• Reliance,
• Sustainability,
• Accountability,
• Political objectivity,
• Collaboration,
• Improvement of our nation,
• Improvement of the world's nations.
Our vision is to support the active participation of everyone in the lifelong learning process in order to transform the societyinto a knowledge dynamic and to become a leadinginternational voluntary organization that has achievedperfection.
Our mission is to serve with honesty, equality and loyalty in a manner that respects both humanity and society, to complywith the laws, economic and moral principles and values in allour training courses and projects.
Our general goal is to work on determining the education andlearning needs of the society within the perspective of lifelonglearning, to ensure all individuals especially young people tobenefit from all opportunities, to complete basic education, toraise personal development and awareness, to support thenecessary knowledge and skill acquisition required by the age, to develop and implement training programs for professionalacquisition in order to improve their cultural skills and gaineconomic skills.
Apart from our objectives, another goals that will support ourdevelopment are as follows;
1. Conducting scientific research within the scope of lifelonglearning and encouraging young people in this direction,
2. Conducting professional needs determination studies for theeducation and learning needs of young people, children andwomen,
3. To develop training programs and awareness projectssuitable for education and learning needs within the scope of these studies,
4. To carry out activities that protect the rights and freedomsof refugees, disadvantaged groups, women, unemployedindividuals, disabled people and children,
5. Preparing, managing and being partner of projects based on education, entrepreneurship, employment and unemployment, human rights and freedoms, environmental awareness andsocial awareness published on international and nationalplatforms.
6. To support the development of youth work and non-formaleducation opportunities with sustainable studies,
7. To direct young people to "green behavior", to ensurepeople to be included in environmental-themed projects,
8. To support cooperation and communication between youthgroups living in different countries and cultures,
9. Act with the principle of social inclusion in combatingprejudiced attitudes.
To sum up; the basic principle of our organization is to prepareprojects that will benefit the national and international society, to implement these projects, to provide trainings on thissubject, to work on youth and to cooperate with people andorganizations that create social awareness and to do theseactivities with volunteer individuals who work entirely on a voluntary basis.