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First, Save The Life - Kaş, Antalya, TURKEY

Updated: Jun 13, 2021

European Youth are in Antalya for First Aid Training!

“First, Save the Life” Youth Exchange project, which started in Antalya, is being implemented with the participation of young people coming from Romania, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Hungary.

In the project, which started on December 10, 2020 in Antalya and will be over on December 17, 2020, It aims to raise awareness of young people between the ages of 18-30 about first aid, to correct misunderstood matters such as first aid, and to create social awareness.

Project, which is carried out by Ankara Sualtı Sporları Cankurtarma Sukayağı İhtisas Kulübü Derneği and supported by Zift Lifelong Learning and Education Association, is being implemented in Antalya with total of 50 participants coming from Romania, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. With the project carried out by the legal representative of the project Bekir Boğaçhan TELERİ and supported by the project leader Nuri BİLİRGEN and the Portuguese leader Andreia TEIXEIRA, young people gain important information about first aid.

Aiming to raise awareness about first aid in Antalya, the young people desire to learn first aid techniques for the local people and to eliminate the negative experiences due to misunderstood techniques. At the same time, young people come together with young people from different countries to meet new cultures and eliminate their prejudices. With the project provided by the Turkish National Agency, it is expected to raise awareness about first aid in Antalya.

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